4 research outputs found

    IDRISI algkursus

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "IDRISI algkursus" õppematerjalid. Kursus tutvustab universaalset, kuid rohkem rastertöötlusele ja ruumianalüüsile orienteeritud GIS-tarkvara IDRISI (versiooni Andes Edition, mille campus license on TÜ-s) üldisi "ideoloogilisi aluseid“ sissejuhatavate loengute ja seeria praktiliste harjutuste sooritamise kaudu eesmärgiga, et kursuse edukalt läbinu oskab kasutada seda tarkvara lihtsamate ülesannete lahendamiseks ning tunneb selle üldist ideoloogiat sel määral, et suuta iseseisvalt edasi õppida

    Landscape metrics and indices : an overview of their use in landscape research

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    The aim of this overview paper is to analyze the use of various landscape metrics and landscape indices for the characterization of landscape structure and various processes at both landscape and ecosystem level. We analyzed the appearance of the terms landscape metrics/indexes/indices in combination with seven main categories in the field of landscape ecology [1) use/selection and misuse of metrics, 2) biodiversity and habitat analysis; 3) water quality; 4) evaluation of the landscape pattern and its change; 5) urban landscape pattern, road network; 6) aesthetics of landscape; 7) management, planning and monitoring] in the titles, abstracts and/or key words of research papers published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed by the Institute of Science Information (ISI) Web of Science (WoS) from 1994 to October 2008. Most of the landscape metrics and indices are used concerning biodiversity and habitat analysis, and also the evaluation of landscape pattern and its change (up to 25 articles per year). There are only a few articles on the relationships of landscape metrics/indices/indexes to social aspects and landscape perception

    Implementing a Geoinformatics Course for Secondary Schools: First Lessons to be Learned. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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    The National Curriculum for Upper Secondary Schools in Estonia now places more emphasis on optional subjects, Geoinformatics being one of which. The learning environment of this geoinformatics course was created by the Department of Geography, University of Tartu. Plans and expectations for this course were presented at the AGIT 2011 (ROOSAARE et al. 2011). In the current paper we analyze the results of course piloting and its use for teaching both in-service teachers and school students. The content of the course and learners’ feedback are described shortly. Several problems are pointed out. The main conclusion is that such a course is necessary, and that the students enjoy it

    Implementing a Geoinformatics Course for Secondary Schools: First Lessons to be Learned. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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    The National Curriculum for Upper Secondary Schools in Estonia now places more emphasis on optional subjects, Geoinformatics being one of which. The learning environment of this geoinformatics course was created by the Department of Geography, University of Tartu. Plans and expectations for this course were presented at the AGIT 2011 (ROOSAARE et al. 2011). In the current paper we analyze the results of course piloting and its use for teaching both in-service teachers and school students. The content of the course and learners’ feedback are described shortly. Several problems are pointed out. The main conclusion is that such a course is necessary, and that the students enjoy it